Devops Support

Devops support is a service that supports users that need access to devops products or services. This support type focuses on helping a specific user request related to the Devops needs. Devops support is a user facing team that will support the Devops Engineer to give them time to automate processes. 

Support Level

Support team has a wide knowledge about the business products, processes and organisation. It is important for them to categorize the request they receive according to the business impact, priority and urgency

Using these categories we can define the complexity of a ticket and the level of knowledge the support needs to have. Based on this, Companies created Level of Support :

  • Level 0
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3

Structuring your IT support around levels is useful for several reasons:

  • Focus on business development
  • Strategically addressing user needs
  • Creating a positive user experience
  • Quickly resolving small or easy-to-manage issues
  • Establishing a timeline and protocol for harder-to-solve problems
  • Improving Documentation
  • Improving firmwide knowledge transfer
  • Obtaining feedback and suggestions on a product


Level Description Gruion Service
Level 0 Self-Service and documentation, Users can fix their issues themself X
Level 1 A very basic level of support offered by a company, Lower-level technical personnel, trained to solve known problems X
Level 2 In-depth troubleshooting, analyses, and technical support, good service knowledge is needed X
Level 3 Support needing expertise knowledge, These experts resolve complicated and subtle issues
Level 4 Outside support for problems not supported by the organization but outsourced by the parent organization


Gruion Support

Gruion’s Goal is helping you to focus on providing Level 0 Service.

Gruion can help you improving your Level 0 by taking care of Level 1 and 2 tickets.

The benefits of a level 0 service are :

  • Easy to use
  • Easily accessible
  • Cost saving
  • No extra team involved in the process
  • Fast solving ticket
  • The end-user saves time
  • High end-user satisfaction
  • Productivity improvement

Your Devops team will be able to focus on the service automation, that allows the End User to resolve Problems or submit Service Requests without contacting Level 1 Support

Gruion also offers consultancy services to help you building your Level 0 Service. You can leverage the knowledge of our experts to build a quick and successful level 0 that will increase your global user satisfaction.